Finding our origins: The Genographic Project uses genetics to map the past

Have you ever tried tracing back your family tree only to get stuck at great great Grandpa Jim? Are you curious about who your ancestors were and where they might have come from? If so, you’ll definitely want to check out National Geographic’s The Genographic Project. Not only will you learn about your lineage but … Read more “Finding our origins: The Genographic Project uses genetics to map the past”

Categories: Biology, Citizen Science

EteRNA: Biology plus videogames equals cutting-edge science

What class of molecules dominated the primordial stages of evolution, and seems to function as an exquisite operating system for our cells? RNA — the single-stranded cousin of DNA. Scientists suspect that a better understanding of RNAs will allow us to more deeply understand healthy cells, and to design better treatments for those infected by … Read more “EteRNA: Biology plus videogames equals cutting-edge science”

Categories: Biology, Chemistry, Citizen Science, Computers & Technology