Think like a citizen scientist
Welcome to SciStarter!
You are on your way to becoming a citizen scientist by doing REAL science in need of YOUR help!

Already Started A Journey?
If you've already started a Journey with your troop, click on the link below to return to your Journey page:
My Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey
How To Start Your Journey!
Your volunteer will send you a special link by email. Once you receive it, follow the link and sign up for your SciStarter account. Are you a Girl Scout Troop Leader or Co-Leader who'd like to start a Journey with your Troop? Visit the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit to get started! Email for assistance and be sure to review these FAQs.

Find Girl Scout Friendly Projects!
After you've completed the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey or if you want to find our recommended list of Girl Scout-friendly projects independent of the Journey, follow the link below:
see projects
Not a Girl Scout?
Join the Girl Scouts of the USA today to start your Journey!
visit Girl Scouts of USA
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