Mini Citizen Science Kits!

The Oakland Museum of California makes it easier than ever for visitors to engage in authentic scientific research. In its Galary of California Natural Sciences, visitor interact with showcases of Caliornia's Natural History, and now they can also purchase Citizen Science kits to do real research at home, through the Museum's vending machine!

These creative kits were developed by the Museum's taleted staff and they contain virtually everything a citizen scientist needs to participate in one of five research projects. 

Each kit contains relevant, low cost and easy to use materials, and a "zine," (instructions printed on a single piece of paper that, when folded, becomes a small magazine!).

If you visit the Museum, look for the kits in the Citizen Science vending machine.

If you're lucky enough to already have one of the kits, and you were directed here from the 'zines, we welcome you as you begin your journey to become a citizen scientist!

In addition to the kits and projects listed below, SciStarter offers more than 2,000 additional projects in need of your help. We are here to help you find, join, and track your contributions to projects. Sign up for SciStarter and we will help you find the best projects for you!

The online order form will be posted here on Friday, April 26!