Binoculars: Eagle Optics Ranger 8x42
Purchase online from the manufacturer's website or check for the preferred model at your local retailer.
If you continue searching for other options, consider consulting the Cornell Lab Review 2013.
Cornell University. (2013). Best Binoculars: The Cornell Lab Review 2013. Retrieved March 6, 2017 from Cornell’s All About Birds website:
You can buy this tool from Eagle Optics. The anticipated price range is $101 - $250.
Description |
Binoculars aid in observations by magnifying distant images. While different models vary in price, magnification, and ergonomics, the follow model was highly rated in the Cornell Lab Review 2013. Cornell University. (2013). Best Binoculars: The Cornell Lab Review 2013. Retrieved March 6, 2017 from Cornell’s All About Birds website: These binoculars have 8x magnification and objective diameter of 42mm. This tool is recommended for lending libraries. |
Used by these projects | the Great Backyard Bird Count, Celebrate Urban Birds, eBird, NestWatch, Project FeederWatch, Brown-capped Rosy Finch Citizen Science, Peregrine Watch, Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II, Bald Eagle Watch, BioBlitz Playuela - Verano 2017, Delaware Shorebird Project, Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD), Mid-Winter Bald Eagle Survey, Project Nighthawk, Track a Tree, Virginia Working Landscapes, Birdeez, Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, MPA Watch, PlatypusWatch - Gold Coast, Birding Aboard |
Ideal Age Group | Elementary school (6 - 10 years), Middle school (11 - 13 years), High school (14 - 17 years), College, Graduate students, Adults, Families, Seniors |
Size & weight |
Small: This tool would fit in a 6 inch cube. Between 1lb and 5lb (a small dog weighs about 5lb) |
Expected lifetime | Should last more or less forever |
Topics | Education, Nature & Outdoors, Animals, Biology, Birds, Ecology & Environment, Ocean, Water, Marine & Terrestrial, Insects & Pollinators |
Activities | While fishing, On a hike, At home, At the beach, On a walk, run, At school, At a science center, zoo or aquarium |
Tool updated | March 10, 2018, 4:20 p.m. |
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